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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: bucski

Member#: 275
Registered: 08-07-2003
Diary Entries: 56

Mood: i'm never in a mood
28th October 2003
Kite surfing: rhosneiger
Wind Direction: sw
Wind Stength: 9-14mph
Surf / Sea State: small swell
Air Temperature: 12
Sea Temperature: 12ish?
Weather: overcast
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Headed up to rhossie for the day. Was blowing 14mph when I got there so rigged up a 17m. Got a launch off Alex Tritten, who was dead friendly and teaching on the beach at the time.
Played around for hour and half or so but the wind was real pain, good in the gusts but then lulling for a while, so was having to move the kite around a lot.
Fun playing over the small swell coming in and lots of room to play around across the bay.
Quite a few others out including windsurfers.
Went back in later in the day, but the wind had dropped to around 10mph, which was pretty hopeless.
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